Becoming Like Christ

Being a disciple of Jesus is about learning what Jesus would do if He were you and doing it. (Sorry, that was confusing.)  If we want to be Jesus's disciples, we need learn how to live, think, and act like Jesus.  We may not do exactly the things he did (although walking on water would be cool), but we want to live our lives the way he wants us to.

The purpose of these devotions is to help you be a disciple of Jesus by learning his ways.  Each week you will have one personal study time.  Keep a journal and write down your thoughts.  Then, once a week you will meet with your Discipleship Group to discuss what you studied that week.  You will also pray with each other and talk about what is going on in your life right now.



You need your Bible for every devotional and Discipleship Group meeting.



During your weekly devotional times don't forget to journal.  Write down things you find interesting and questions you have. Then bring your journal to your group on Sundays to share how you are growing and what you are thinking about.