What are some things you wish you had more of?  (Ice cream, money, victory royales, it doesn’t have to be something deep).

There is more

Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” – John 10:10

Having a full life doesn’t mean necessarily we have more money, more dessert, or more Instagram followers (though those things are ok). What do you believe the full life that Jesus said he came to give looks like?

A little personal: When you look at your life, in what ways do you feel like you are not living in the full life God has for you?

Jesus said, he came that we could have a full life, but many people are not experiencing that life.  In the New Testament Jesus had 12 disciples.  All of them were normal guys, living normal lives when Jesus called them to a life of more.  His invitation was simple. He said, “Follow me.”  He gives us the same invitation today.

  • When did you decide to follow Jesus?
  • What led to you making that decision
  • In what ways has your life changed because of that decision?

When Jesus asked the first disciples to follow him, they “Left everything and followed him” (Luke 5:11).

  • What are some common things that Christians have to leave behind when they follow Jesus?
  • What are some things you have left behind?

Getting Personal

Many of us struggle to leave things behind in pursuit of Jesus. 

  • What has been hard for you to leave behind?
  • Why is it so difficult?