What’s one thing/object that you kept around for way too long (old toy, T-shirts, something broken, etc.)? Why were/are you holding on to it? What did it take for you to finally get rid of it?

 Letting Go

Everyone has times when they hold onto things that ultimately hold them back and keep them from moving forward.  We need to figure out what these things are and let them go.


“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19

What stands out to you about these verses?

What does it mean to dwell on the past?

How does focusing on the past keep you from moving forward?

Past good things – We, of course, get joy out of remembering good things in our past.  However, how can too much focus on them cause us problems now?

Past hurts – Why is it so difficult to let go of things people have done to us? Do you have anything that has been difficult to let go of that you can share with the group?

Past mistakes – Regret of mistakes can hold us down. How can we move beyond our mistakes?  Do you have a mistake in your past that is difficult to let go of that you can share?


Everyone will have people come into their lives they later realize are not good for them.  Why is letting go of wrong friends so hard sometimes?

How do you practically let go of a friend?

Confess – Take a moment to share with your group if you have to answer yes to any of these four questions:

  • Do I have a friend that is moving in a direction I do not want to go?
  • Do I have to pretend to be someone different than who I am with a certain friend or group?
  • Do I feel pressure to compromise when I am with a friend?
  • Would I be embarrassed if pastor Jonathan hung out with my friends?


Have you ever had a sin that was difficult to let go of because you honestly liked it?

Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. – Hebrews 12:1

How do you throw off sin?

Make it Personal

What are you holding onto that’s holding you back?

If you are willing, ask your group: “Do you see anything/anyone that I am holding onto that’s holding me back?” (Don’t ask this unless you want honest feedback. This kind of feedback can sting a little bit.  If you ask it, remember, your group loves you and seriously consider what they say.  If you aren’t ready, just say, “I think I’ll wait and ask that another time.”)