When you were a little kid what was something that you were afraid of that you are not now?


Check out this awesome mini-message from AJ!

What from this message do you relate to?

Thinking about it

Fear can cause us lots of problems.  It can cause us to do something that we don’t want to do.  For example, we can be afraid of what others will think if we don’t do something everyone else is. Have you ever felt pressure to do something you didn’t really want to do?  What was it? What do you think caused the fear?


Fear can also keep us from doing something we wanted to do.  Be honest. Have you ever been afraid to: worship expressively – pray for someone- invite a friend to church – talk about your faith?

Has fear kept you from doing something else? (meeting new people, trying out for a team, etc.)

Many of us are worried about stuff in our future. When you think about your future, what causes you to fear?



Romans 15:13 – May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

When we are afraid we don’t have joy, peace, and hope. God will fill us with these things as we trust in him.  Have you ever experienced God’s peace in a situation that you were worried about?

If peace comes through trust, how can you increase your trust in God?


As a group

1 Thessalonians 5:11 – Therefore encourage one another and build each other up

To encourage someone means we give courage.  In your group this week, let each person share a fear, worry, or struggle and then let the rest of the group give courage and pray.