
Romans 7:15-24

In what areas of your life do you relate to this passage?  What do you not want to do, but keep on doing? Is there something that you have wanted to start doing, but don’t ever do?

Making it personal

The truth is we all struggle with things from time to time.  It is very frustrating and even discouraging when we deal with the same sin or struggle over and over.  Sometimes it seems like nothing will work.  Take some time to think through how you can begin to apply the following four keys to victory in your life.

1. CONVINCED of the truth.  The more you believe things that are not true the stronger sin’s hold on you gets.  When we believe the truth from god, it gets weaker

  • When you think about your personal struggles, what are some lies you and others may believe about it?
  • Does Jesus have anything to say about your struggle?


2.  Take CAPTIVE your thoughts. You cannot think one way and live another.  Your thoughts matter. Learning to take captive your thoughts is a skill that you have to practice and get better at, but it is something you must learn to get victory over reoccurring struggles.

  • When you think about your struggle, how does “taking captive your thoughts” apply?


3. CONFESS to and pray for each other.   “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed” (James 5:16). We are not meant to struggle alone, but we should look to other believers for strength.  Though talking about personal struggles can be difficult we need to confess to each other and pray for each other so we can overcome.

  • Who do you know that is a strong Christian you can trust to share your struggles with?
  • Why is it hard to share struggles with others?


4. COMMIT to whatever God asks.  Getting victory often means willingness to do things that are hard and inconvenient.  Sometimes we even have to do things that are embarrassing or that get us in trouble to get victory.

  • Ask God what steps you need to take to get victory. Then do them!