What are you going to do this Summer?
What is your favorite comfort food?
Think about it
PJ said, “If you are unwilling to be uncomfortable, you are unlikely to do to anything great with your life.”
- What do you think about this statement?
- What is something that you have done that was really difficult but very rewarding?
PJ also said, “It is no longer comfortable to follow Christ in our culture.”
- Have you experienced this in your life?
- Why is it often uncomfortable to be a Christian in our world?
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. – Matthew 16:24
Why is it important that we know this verse?
Summer Challenges:
- Bring someone
- What makes this difficult?
- What are some ways to make this easy?
- Connect someone
- Why is this important?
- Pray with someone
- Does praying with others make you uncomfortable?
- Be faithful to church
- Why is faithfulness to church important?
- Read your Bible
- How often do you read your bible?
- What translation do you use?
- What are some tips to make it easier?
Final Thing
How can we keep up with each other as a group through the summer?