Who was your first crush? What did you do about it?

What is love?

If you were to ask your friends what “love” is, what do you think they would say?

What do you think love is?  Has your view of love ever changed?

Why is love so hard to define?


A Bible definition of love

Read: 1 Corinthians 13 (it’s a short chapter just read it all)

How important does this chapter say love is to a Christian’s life?

Make a list of all the things this passage says love is. (Go ahead get a paper and make list)

Write in your own words what you think each characteristic of love means.

Which characteristics of love are easy for you to do?  Which ones are hard?  Do any of them not make sense?

Are there people in your life that it is hard to love this way?


Think about it

How is the way love is defined in what we read today different than the way most people would define love?

PJ said, “Love is the foundation of a good relationship.”  What does this mean?

How would your relationships be different if you learned to really love like 1 Corinthians 13?

How might the world be changed if Christians started to love this way?