Watch Wednesday's Message



Share a time you had a decision to make and you didn’t know what to do.

How did you end up deciding?

Do you wish you would’ve done something differently?


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” – Jeremiah 29:11-14

What are your thoughts on this passage?

How often do you feel like you consider God’s plans for your life in your daily decisions?

Discovering God’s Will

One key way we can know God’s will for our lives is by looking to God’s word for his commands and principles.

  • How can knowing God’s word help you know his will for your life?
  • Can you share about a time when you made a decision because of something you read in the Bible?

Another way we can discover God’s will is by getting wise and Godly advice.

  • Why is it important who you take advice from?
  • Who are some people you feel like you can get good advice from?

Often times God will direct our lives through our spirit.

  • Have you ever felt like God was directing you this way? If you can, share a time when you felt God wanted you to do something.

2 Incredible Questions

For the believer trying to live in God’s will, there are a couple more questions that can help you walk in his will every day.

Question 1: Would doing this fit who I am as a follower of Jesus?  (Another way of asking is: If someone saw me doing this, would I be a good example of someone that follows Jesus?)

  • How could asking this question affect your daily decisions?
  • How does this question help you walk in God’s will?

Question 2:  What does love require of me?

Jesus commanded that we love each other.  If we are going to be in his will, we must love each other.

  • Why is this often a hard question to answer honestly?
  • What are some things you might do differently if you asked this question?

Final thoughts

Often times we think of discovering God’s will as figuring out big life transitions (like who to date and where to go to college).  However, much of the time what we need to focus on is how his will affects our daily decisions.

  • Why do we tend to seek God only for the big things instead of the daily things?
  • How does following God daily help us with the “big” things?