One of the biggest things that students in high school and middle school struggle with is stress. Why do you think that is?
How much do you think your closest friends deal with stress?
Getting Personal
How often do you feel very stressed?
List some of the biggest things that you stress about?
Do any of these things cause you to stress? Why?
- Your parents’ expectations?
- Worry about your future?
- Your grades?
- Sports/activities?
- Issues with friends?
- Stuff people post on social media?
- Money?
What are some ways that you currently deal with stress?
Do you think it is a good way to handle it or is there a better way?
Getting through the storm
The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him -Nahum 1:7
How is trust in God related to your ability to overcome stress and troubles?
What are some practical things you can do when you are facing a storm to build your trust in God?
IF you can, share a time when you were going through something and God helped you through.